Create a nodejs/express application with express-generator

Create a nodejs/express application with express-generator

Prerequisite: nodejs Installation of prerequisites Nodejs We Install nodejs. Go to and download the installer. I took the version “12.4.0 Current” We’re checking the installation. node -v v12.4.0 Express-generator Express-generator is an all-in-one tool that allows you to quickly create a node-js application using the express library. Thanks to this generator, it will be […]

Créer une application nodejs/express facile grâce à express-generator

Prerequis : nodejs Installation des prerequis Nodejs On installe nodejs. On va sur et on télécharge l’installateur. J’ai pris la version “12.4.0 Current” On verifie l’installation. node -v v12.4.0 Express-generator Express-generator est un outil tout en un qui permet de créer rapidement une application node-js en utilisant la librairie express. Il sera possible grâce […]